Poetry :)
When it comes to similarities and differences between writing poetry and writing about poetry, I happen to notice more differences than similarities. Some similarities include an emphasis on feelings and emotions as well as incorporating opinions. However, for the differences the list tends to be a bit longer. This can include how when writing about poetry we tend to try to figure out why the poet included this and if the literary elements contribute meaning to the overall point of the poem. Also, when writing about poetry we tend to take apart the poem line by line, stanzas, syllables, the form, and so on. On the other hand, when writing poetry we tend to follow what is speaking to us. If the poem sounds better free verse than a sonnet then that's what it will be. A poet does not necessarily break apart their own poem or even analyze it. Sometimes they aren't even the ones behind the poem just the ones writing it. Writing about poetry did help me when it came to writing my own...